pH 2–3 with glycine-HCl (0.05 M glycine and HCl), pH 4–
5 with succinic acid (0.05 M succinic acid and NaOH),
pH 6–8 with phosphate buffer (0.05 M Na2HPO4 and
NaH2PO4), and pH 9 with glycine-NaOH (0.05 M glycine
and NaOH). Buffered liquid medium (25 ml) were transferred
into 150-ml plastic flasks ,
autoclaved as described elsewhere.
Two mycelium diskswere cut from the growing edge of a 16days-old culture in MS medium and inoculated into MMN
broth, and incubated for 30 days under laboratory conditions
(27 ± 2?C) on a reciprocal shaker at 120 rpm. There were
triplicate flasks for each treatment. The initial and final pH
values of the culture media were recorded. At the 30th day,
the cultures were filtered through previously weighed oven dried
Whatman no. 1 filter papers, oven dried (55?C) overnight,
and weighed to determine the biomass.