A country hick? That insult proved to be quite effective, as the enemy troops unexpectedly also watching their general and losing their focus! The morale of Urban Army cavalry troops immediately risen again and start charging again.
“Excellent courage!” While Liu Mang successfully rising his squad’s morale, but he also rousing Lei Bo’s anger. From the beginning of this battle, Lei Bo is in a bad mood. Was hunted by Boss Lu, driven out from his home, able to escape only with great difficulty. And now, he meet up with young general who not only insult him for being a country hick but also kicking down his pride as a general. How he cannot be angry with this asshole?
“Today, I want to rip you apart!” Lei Bo’s rage has peaked, while brandishing his sword, suddenly he have a big boost of strength.
“Bang!” First clash has started, Lei Bo’s sword has been clashing with Liu Mang’s long sword sending sparks everywhere. But still no damage on them.
“His strength is too big!” From the initial clash, Liu Mang’s arm is shivering. Even though now, he is unharmed from initial clash, but he is just taking the advantage of using horses momentum. If Lei Bo have a warhorse or he wore heavy-armor infantry equipment, then Liu Mang will certainly die during that initial clash.
“Brat, you are good!” Lei Bo initially want only to scare Liu Mang, but he did not expect that this brat can also retaliate, even with his little strength assisted by his warhorse.
“Country hick, you are also very good!” Liu Mang just pretending not to feel Lei Bo’s sword impact and insult him again intentionally.
“Brat, you really seeking death!” Lei Bo whose temper just got better, got insulted again by this brat again naturally angry again “Brat, I will tear your mouth before I kill you. You filth!!!”
“If you really can do it, then come!” Liu Mang swing his sword again toward Lei Bo immediately. Begging for mercy to survive now is impossible because once in battlefield, the only result is you die or I die. Liu Mang become ruthless once again. He proclaimed in his heart, “If I cannot survive this battle, at least I will bring you down with me!”
“HAAAAA!” Lei Bo begin charging again toward Liu Mang.
Liu Mang also do not show his fear at all and facing him head-on.
Now, Liu Mang do not have the advantage horse momentum anymore. So this battle is very hard for Liu Mang. Although Lei Bo is only a small figure in Three Kingdoms novel and historical records but watching him fight now, he is clearly have the strength of second-class general. His strength at minimum is over 70, but his opponent, Liu Mang, only have strength around 5 points. So, it can be only persevere in this battle, waiting for Boss Lu’s rescue.
So, his Aries gold cloth become a very important defensive tool here.
“Bang-Bing!” Lei Bo’s attack is directed on interconnection between Liu Mang’s gold cloth. Because that place, whenever and wherever, an armor made, it always has the most thinnest layer of defense. If Xiahou De found this weakness earlier, then it is Liu Mang’s death. Lei Bo is stronger and more experienced than Xiahou De, naturally he noticed this weakness.
“Chi Chi! Looks this time, your mouth is not so toxic like last time, Brat!” Lei Bo teasing Liu Mang.