The evaluation end point was the proportion of the
individual adolescents’ body surface protected from the
sun by clothing, sunscreen, or shade. Six levels of upperbody
clothing, 4 levels of lower-body clothing, and 3
levels of hats, sunglasses, and whether in the shade were
recorded. The total percent of body surface protected by
different clothing types and/or sunscreen was calculated
by using algorithms based on body surface area (BSA)
charts. Our pilot work had shown high correlation between
application on face and neck (r 0.80), upper/
lower arms, upper/lower legs, and front/back trunk (r
0.85). Subjects in the shade were classified as 100%
protected. The face was considered protected if a hat
with a forward brim was worn, and the head and neck
were considered protected if a hat with a 2-inch brim was worn. The BSA protected varied from 10% to 100%
for boys and 25% to 100% for girls.