system. As shown in Fig. 3 (inset) th eresponse of this senso rfor
the concentration of cDNA is linear in the range of 0–80 fmol/mL,
with R¼0.9992, which could be used for the detection of non-
nonmutated DNA (cDNA) in very low concentrations.
The response of the designed probe for the mDNA was
investigated by addition of 10 mL of mDNA (10nM) to the solution of
GO and fDNA complex , where the fluorescence emission of fDNA
was not recovered , because there is no duplex formatio
nhappened. Also,the sensitivity of the designed probe for the detection
of cDNA in the presence of mDNA was investigated using mixtures
of cDNA and mDNA with different ratios of cDNA / mDNA. Fig. SI-4
shows the FL intensity of fDNA in the presence of GO upona
addition of an equal amount of DNA pieces with different ratios of
cDNA/mDNA.By increasingmDNAinthemixture,FLintensitywas
decreased, leading to recognizing the existence of mDNA in the
mixture of cDNA and mDNA in a certain amount of DNA pieces