Although the results are satisfactory, based on the results of the pilot study and the
survey, the method described in this paper can further be improved by considering the
following recommendations:
GREWPtool should be integrated inside MOODLE.
If the aim is to teach a programming language using web-based education and an
LMS system, it is recommended that more efficient results can be obtained if an
advanced collaborative tool is integrated inside the LMS system.
Additional programming languages should be integrated inside GREWPtool.
A more effective teaching environment could be established if MOODLE is
incorporated with multimedia tools such as audio and image.
The teaching of a web-based programming language should not only be
considered as the solution of exercises (e.g. writing example programs). Such a
study should be enhanced and supported by the use of available internet tools
such as chat, discussion boards, forums, collaborative tools, and similar utilities.
A collaborative tool which is to be used in web based teaching must have the
property that private messages can be sent from the instructor to students, or
between students.
Students must be able to see the instructor’s and each others screen outputs in
web based education where a collaborative tool is used.
Our study suffers from a number of limitations: First, we only studied a small group of
students. It may be that more favorable results would have produced with larger groups.
Second, the study period was only a semester. A longer period of study should be
carried out to obtain more results.
RECOMMENDATIONSAlthough the results are satisfactory, based on the results of the pilot study and thesurvey, the method described in this paper can further be improved by considering thefollowing recommendations: GREWPtool should be integrated inside MOODLE. If the aim is to teach a programming language using web-based education and anLMS system, it is recommended that more efficient results can be obtained if anadvanced collaborative tool is integrated inside the LMS system. Additional programming languages should be integrated inside GREWPtool. A more effective teaching environment could be established if MOODLE isincorporated with multimedia tools such as audio and image. The teaching of a web-based programming language should not only beconsidered as the solution of exercises (e.g. writing example programs). Such astudy should be enhanced and supported by the use of available internet toolssuch as chat, discussion boards, forums, collaborative tools, and similar utilities. A collaborative tool which is to be used in web based teaching must have theproperty that private messages can be sent from the instructor to students, orbetween students. Students must be able to see the instructor’s and each others screen outputs inweb based education where a collaborative tool is used.Our study suffers from a number of limitations: First, we only studied a small group ofstudents. It may be that more favorable results would have produced with larger groups.Second, the study period was only a semester. A longer period of study should becarried out to obtain more results.
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