It has an excellent healing vibration and will transfer the healing power to the person using it. The energy that Gaspeite brings to your life is very grounded spiritual energy, that encourages you to live life in the real world, yet from a spiritual perspective.
The vibration of this stone helps you to extend your consciousness so that you are more aware of how you need to live your life in the everyday world. This energy assists you to be aware of the spiritual aspects of situations as they occur.
Once you are aware of these events as they take place, you will be able to recognize when you need, in order to change your thoughts and actions.
This helps you to better align yourself with living your life how you wish to, rather than allowing yourself to slip back into old habits that may not be helpful to you.
This stone has a strong higher heart chakra vibration that assists you to release hurt feelings and painful emotions, and helps you to forgive.
Like most green stones it vibrates strongly within the heart chakra, and as it is a apple green color, it also has a strong energy at the solar plexus also known as the power chakra.