Rei first meets Sera when Conan gets kidnapped. After both of them save Conan, he becomes very surprised to see her and wonders why is she here. Next day, he does not have any work. Rei sees Sera again after the previous case, and notices that she looks similiar to Shuichi Akai. To confirm his theory, Rei once again disguised himself as Scar Akai to gauge her reaction. Suddenly, Sera sees him in the crowd ahead and just like Jodie and Camel before her, Sera becomes just as shocked by his appearance. She runs after him, but he disappears before she can catch him. Ran wonders who Sera was chasing, but Sera replies she thought it was someone she knew. Sera silently appends in her mind that it would be impossible for the man she was chasing to be the person she thinks it was. While Rei watches her from a little ahead, confirming his suspicion that Sera is related to Akai.