to recording to block the endogenous calcium-activated Cl3 current
[13]. In experiments involving cyCav1, complete inactivation of the
current was produced by a 1.5 s voltage prepulse from 3110 mV to
+10 mV, and recovery was determined by a 50 ms test pulse to +10
mV after a hyperpolarizing step of varying duration or voltage. The
human Cav2.3 subunit was studied in the same manner, except that
the length of the prepulse was 9.6 s (16.2 s when Cav2.3 was coexpressed
with L2a, due to the slower rate of inactivation). In most
instances, the extended prepulse inactivated the channel completely
(62% of peak current remaining by the end of the prepulse), but
when hCav2.3 was coexpressed with L2a, approximately 7% of the
current remained at the end of the prepulse. For this reason, recovery
was measured as (peak current elicited by test pulse3residual current
at end of prepulse)/(peak current elicited by prepulse3residual current
at end of prepulse). Successive episodes during a series of tests were
separated by 30 s (cyCav1) or 90 s (hCav2.3); the amplitude of the
current elicited by the prepulse after this delay demonstrated that the
channel had completely recovered from inactivation.
to recording to block the endogenous calcium-activated Cl3 current[13]. In experiments involving cyCav1, complete inactivation of thecurrent was produced by a 1.5 s voltage prepulse from 3110 mV to+10 mV, and recovery was determined by a 50 ms test pulse to +10mV after a hyperpolarizing step of varying duration or voltage. Thehuman Cav2.3 subunit was studied in the same manner, except thatthe length of the prepulse was 9.6 s (16.2 s when Cav2.3 was coexpressedwith L2a, due to the slower rate of inactivation). In mostinstances, the extended prepulse inactivated the channel completely(62% of peak current remaining by the end of the prepulse), butwhen hCav2.3 was coexpressed with L2a, approximately 7% of thecurrent remained at the end of the prepulse. For this reason, recoverywas measured as (peak current elicited by test pulse3residual currentat end of prepulse)/(peak current elicited by prepulse3residual currentat end of prepulse). Successive episodes during a series of tests wereseparated by 30 s (cyCav1) or 90 s (hCav2.3); the amplitude of thecurrent elicited by the prepulse after this delay demonstrated that thechannel had completely recovered from inactivation.
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