The ISO/IEC 25010:2011 [3] software engineering quality model covers characteristics including functionality, reliability, usability and efficiency, and partners will take these into consideration when developing an individual evaluation plan during the project piloting. However, a quality assurance plan was developed for the project and a set of standards that is more suitable to the specific needs of the project was outlined. Each partner will be conducting pilots using somewhat customized evaluation methods based on their particular subject and remote lab setup. The piloting that will be undertaken by DEIS CIT, in essence, follows a usercentered design process and is an adaptation of the contextual design process
In order to conduct the piloting, DEIS CIT will gather a number of students, designers and heuristic evaluators to pilot the remote lab. A predetermined set of tasks will be developed for the piloting with the purpose of evaluating the cloud infrastructure, the usability of the system and the method of accessing the labs. Participants in the piloting will also be required to use the system in the same manner that is planned for the end user, i.e. retrieving the training material, accessing the remote lab schedule and logging into the lab remotely.
The results of the pilot will be collated and a report will be created which will offer conclusions and recommendations based on the piloting. DEIS CIT will endeavor to improve the remote lab setup or course outline based on these pilots as any issues that arise will require investigation and potentially the re-evaluation of the infrastructure or the course design.