But there is a lot to do to improve this first generation of prototypes. The foreseen steps to follow in next
phase of this project can be summarized as follow:
• improvement of the prototypes developed:
– improve the structure that s upports the roasting cylinder .
– improve the cooling process of the coffee to ensure better quality of the coffee;
– implement a temperature sensor for easy co ntrol of the temperature in the cylinder;
– design a robust electrical system to resist the humidity;
• provide a user guide and organize a workshop on how to use:
– the Scheffler reflector and
– the solar roaster, specific know -how is required to obtain coffee of good quality.
Although with little experience, it is possible to learn and get good coffee;
• further experiment with better monitoring of the variab les of interest. This will enable comparison with
the physical model, leading to a bett er understanding of the system. In this way the design of the
technology will be surely further optimized.
• investigate in the alternative approach based on a closed cylinder heated from outside and protected by
an insulating box.
• study the strategies to enter the mark et with such a solar coffee roaster