Amsterdam accepts this responsibility and has specified the
following practical climate ambitions:
A climate-neutral municipal organisation in 2015
40% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2025, compared to 1990
In line with recommendations by the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC), which is based on a reduction in
greenhouse gasses of 80-90% by 2050 for developed countries,
Amsterdam must strive to achieve a 75% reduction in
CO2 by 2040. Naturally, to ultimately become independent of
fossil fuels Amsterdam will have to continue working on the
Amsterdam Climate Programme after 2040.
Amsterdam is working on the Amsterdam Climate Programme
in accordance with the principle of Trias Energetica, an approach
that results in an optimum reduction of CO2. Three
pathways will be pursued simultaneously to create a sustainable
1. Energy savings
2. Maximum use of sustainable energy
3. Increase the sustainability and efficient use of fossil energy.