1. The Value in Promoting Good Occupational
Safety and Health Practices
1. Advances in promoting good
occupational safety and health practices
A prominent trend in risk-management programmes in
the workplace is to emphasize the value of good practices
already achieved in the local context. This emphasis
reflects the need for voluntary OSH programmes in
increasingly diversifying work situations. Awareness
is growing that voluntary programmes are effectively
promoted by learning from good OSH practices applied
in various situations despite many constraints.
The experiences in our inter-country network review of
participatory OSH programmes in Asia demonstrate
that the action-oriented nature of risk reducing is
particularly useful. These experiences confirm that
participatory approaches and good practice examples
do indeed encourage workplace improvements in smallscale
To further promote good OSH practices, it is important
to develop action-oriented programmes that are
adjusted to a local situation. This is done by providing
direct support for training in practical risk-reducing
improvements that reflect local good practices. The value
of good OSH practices is enhanced when the training
activities i) build on good examples locally achieved, ii)
focus on practical improvements in multiple technical
areas, and iii) use locally adjusted toolkits suitable
for facilitating participatory activities.