Speaking a foreign language can be really intimidating. You know that you are probably making mistakes. You are worried that you might say something offensive and make people angry. It is stressful!
It is hard to make yourself speak when you don't feel confident, but to get better at speaking English, you have to practice. So where do you strat? How can you become more confident with speaking English?
1. Fake it 'till you make it!
There's a saying in English, "Fake it 'till you make it. " It means to pretend to be good at something, and pretend to feel confident. As you continue and build your skill, your fake confidence will be replaced by real confidence.
When you get a chance to speak to people in English, take it! Stand up straight and tall. Jump into the conversation and speak as if you are completely fluent.
2. Realize that your mistake don't matter.
when I was a teenager, I use do think that everyone at school was looking at me and judging what I looked like, what I wore , and how I acted. As I got older, I realized that no one really cared what I did; they were too busy worrying about themselves.
That's true of your English skill, too. The people you're speaking with probably don't care whether your grammar is good or bad. They have their own problems to worry about.
Not only that, but English speakers are already used to understanding foreign accent. Most English-speaking countries have a lot of resident who were born in different countries. As a result, native English speakers have a lot of experience with speaking to people with different accent. They may not even think about the fact that your English isn't perfect