Srilankite-type pigments exhibit colourimetric features to a large extent analogue to those of the best performing
yellow pigments on the ceramic market. Their colouring performance is excellent at high temperature – particularly in
glazes and bodies for porcelain stoneware tiles that are usually fired in the 1200–1250 8C range – being even better
than Pr-doped zircon and V-doped zirconia, i.e. the best industrially-manufactured yellow ceramic pigments.
Zirconium titanate-stannate is suitable also for low temperature application (i.e. 900–1050 8C) in alkali-borosilicate
glassy coatings, even if containing PbO. At all events, these pigments cannot be utilised for wall tiles, typically fired in
the 1100–1150 8C range, because they are easily dissolved by the abundant CaO present in these glazes.