Non-anaerobic storage of FWM showed microbial putrefaction with the loss (P < 0.05) of water and water soluble carbohydrate
(WSC) and increases (P < 0.005) in protein and fiber. Anaerobic fermentation of FWM with or without LAB seemed effective in both 10-
and 30-day-storage. The addition of LAB inoculants to FWM showed a linear trend (P< 0.05) toward an increase in the number of total
and lactic acid bacteria and toward the nutritional improvement with WSC increased and fiber decreased. Long-term (30 days) storage
resulted in consistent reduction (P < 0.05) in numbers of total and lactic acid bacteria and pH and showed little change in chemical components,
compared with short-term (10 days) storage. On the basis of these results, LAB inoculation improved fermentative characteristics
of FWM. Among anaerobic treatments, further WSC increase and NDF reduction did not occur (P> 0.05) when LAB-added levels
were over 0.2%. Based on these observations the optimum level of LAB addition to FWM was 0.2%.
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