How are you? I am very happy to hear from you. My dear, i want you to know that i can understand your English. I love you and i need you in my life.
You are the light in a dark room and I am the moth who can't resist it.
I couldn't tell you how much I love you, not even if the sky were my paper and the ocean my ink.
Tonight when you look up at the stars, try and count them all. I miss you that much. When you go to the beach, try to count every grain of sand. I trust you that much. When you go in the water, try and count each drop of water in the ocean. I need you that much. When your heart beats, try and count each and every beat for a day. I love you that much.
What can the love in my soul be compared to another wonderful soul which is so far and yet so close of my self? What can this symbiosis between two souls can be? What can love be when you feel you cannot sleep at night, that every drop of dew becomes a crystal in your heart, when every breeze of wind has magical meanings? What can love be when you feel that you want nothing more in this world that to be with the soul you love? But what can love be in other transcendental realities? What about our souls? Are our souls a waterfall, a true Niagara or a smile, a flirt of an angel? Are our souls a mere mood of a fairy or a lightening in a summer rain? Our souls could be all of this and much more. But what really happens in that transcendental reality when we feel we are truly in love, that we love so much that it hurts? That the air in the room is un breathable, that the sentimental, spiritual or physical distances kill us? What happens when dawn find us sadder than ever, looking for an excuse or an argument for the person we love so much, our Great Love? What are all these? What are the looks lost in the desert horizons of un fulfillment or those in the eyes that deeply loose each other in the others inside the souls?
Please take good care of yourself until i hear from you. I love you so much and i wish to marry you my dear. I will wait to