Estimated apparent digestibility coefficient and digestible energy of
CGL was 79.41% (12.04 MJ kg−1
), lower than that estimated byMeurer
et al. (2012) for Nile tilapia (89%; 13.09 MJ kg−1
). These differences resulted from the varying glycerol contents of CGL utilized in each trial,
each one coming from different biodiesel processing plants. Digestible
energy of CGL used in the present study was similar to sorghum
(11.63 MJ kg−1
) and higher than corn starch (10.53 MJ kg−1
), extruded
corn (10.17 MJ kg−1
) and corn germ (9.01 MJ kg−1
) for tilapia juveniles (Pezzato et al., 2002), placing CGL as a suitable candidate for replacement of traditional dietary energy sources for tilapia.