The seeds of introgression lines (IL) and checks were sown in a
seed bed nursery. One-month-old seedlings were then manually
transplanted into the rice field with one seedling planted per hill.
Plot size was 2 m 3 m at the Kamphaeng Saen site and
1.5 m 5 m at the Yezin, Latpatan, Kyaukse and Kyauktada sites.
At Kamphaeng Saen, each plot consisted of eight rows with twelve
plants per row and had a planting density of 25 cm between plants
(within a row), and 25 cm between rows. In the Myanmar
experiments, each plot consisted of six rows with twenty-five
plants per row. The distance between plants was 20 cm within a
row and each row was 20 cm apart. In all experiments, fields were
fertilised by hand broadcasting with 120 kg/ha of urea, 75 kg/ha of
P2O5 and 75 kg/ha of K2O. Basal fertiliser was applied before
transplanting at a rate of 40-75-75 kg/ha of urea, P2O5 and K2O. A
top dressing of urea was applied in equal amounts (40 kg each) at
the tillering and panicle initiation stages. Weed control was
performed using chemical herbicide and hand weeding. Field
water was maintained during the tillering stage at approximately
10 cm until 15 days before harvesting.