Tendonitis can occur in a number of places around the foot. The most common sites are:
Achilles tendonitis is a common problem
1) Achilles Tendonitis
This causes heel and calf pain. The Achilles tendon joins the two calf muscles to the heel. Pain is usually felt when walking/running and can occur anywhere from the back of the heel up to the middle of the calf
2) Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
This causes pain on the inner side of the foot. The posterior tibial tendon runs along the inside of the foot and ankle. Pain is usually felt when you start to push off through your foot
3) Peroneal Tendonitis
Peroneal Tendonitis results in pain on the back and outer side of your ankle/foot. The peroneal tendons run down the outer side of the ankle across the bottom of the foot. Pain is usually felt when standing or pushing off through your foot
extensor tendonitis commonly causes pain on top of foot
4) Extensor Tendonitis
This causes pain on the top of the foot. The extensor tendons pull the toes up. Pain is often worse when running. This is one of the more rare types of ankle tendonitis.
5) Anterior Tibial Tendonitis
This results in pain at the front of your foot. The Anterior Tibial Tendon controls the movement at the front of your foot. Pain is usually felt when coming down stairs or when walking/running on sloped surfaces e.g. hills. Again, this is one of the less common places to get the condition.
- See more at: http://www.foot-pain-explored.com/ankle-tendonitis.html#sthash.5fwidOvr.dpuf