Intelligent cities may be defined as territories characterized by a high capacity of learning and innovation, comprising in its structure the “Internet of Things”, developing, therefore, the creativity of its population, its institutions of knowledge generation and its digital infrastructures to communication and management of the knowledge. This structure has a great performance in the role of digital inclusion, allowing the possibilities to integration, social well-being promotion (e-inclusion), supplementary education (internet toward software application with great capacity to education) or in distant (e-learning) and professional development. Multimedia communication, it may reach the most remote points and be available full-time, benefiting, in addition, students with deficiencies and walking limitation to go to school, or with special needs of differentiate teaching to educational development, creating and promoting the intelligent education. The main Target to develop this study is to present a solution to network service bandwidth, considers media world speed and projects the implementation of GPON (Gigabyte-capable Passive Optical Networks) technology in access optical networks in the Brazil. Presenting an outcome comparison analysis obtained from the project performed to implement in Holambra city, São Paulo, Brazil, relating to the perspectives and standards of connectivity in the use of broadband networks in the world, showing the viability in the use of such modern technologies in the GPON broadband