In this article we present a detailed imple-mentation of the Distributed Vehicular Broad-CAST (DV-CAST) protocol. Unlike otherexisting protocols, which solve either the broad-cast storm or disconnected network problem,DV-CAST can handle both problems simultane-ously while incurring only a small amount of additional overhead. The proposed protocol uti-lizes local topology information (i.e., a list of one-hop neighbors) as the main criterion todetermine how to handle the rebroadcast of themessage.The remainder of this article is organized asfollows. The next two sections present the relat-ed work and outline different regimes of interestin VANETs that the designed broadcast proto-col should be able to handle. The designoverview of DV-CAST is then presented, whilethe detailed implementation of the protocol isdescribed in the following sections. We then pro- vide the details of the simulation environmentand the performance evaluation of the DV-CAST protocol. In the following section certaindesign issues are highlighted along with a discus-sion. Finally, we summarize our findings in thefinal section.