Mat Zain et al. (2006) questioned the CIAs of 76 publicly listed Malaysian firms on the relationship between the characteristics of audit committees and IAFs, and the assessment of the internal auditors of their own contribution to audits of financial statements. They found a positive correlation between internal auditors’ assessment of their contribution to financial audits and audit committee characteristics. These are independence of audit committee members, members’ financial knowledge and experience, the degree of review of the IAF’s work programme and budget and characteristics of the IAF itself (the size of the IAF, the amount of staff expertise in auditing, time availability for the function and the quality of the IAF’s relationship with the company’s external auditor). Overall, these findings support the argument that internal auditors’ self-perception of their contribution to the external audit is likely to be more favourable in a scenario where audit committees discharge their obligations to the full and, thereby, effectively promoting an IAF which is well-resourced.