2 Aliss Morstan's Story
My father she began was a captain in the amy. When was very young. he was sei to India. When i was seventeen I received a letter from my father He said that he was leaving India and coming back fo England. He gave me the address of a hotel in London He asked me to meet bim then was very happy and excited aGout seeing my dear father again.
I went to London and arrived at the hotel. I asked for captain Morstan, iny father But I was told by the hotel before and not returned. manager lhar my father was no ere. He had gone wailed all day and all night. but my father didn't come back to the hotel. Finally. I weni to the police. They advertised for Captain Mors in all the newspapers. but without success.
Miss Morstan began to cry
Holmes opened his notebook. hal was the date that your father disappearedr he
It was 3rd December 1878 nearly ten years ago.
Did your father have any friends in dont asked Holmes
Only one Major Shollo. But he didn't know that my father had arrived in England
Your story is very interesting, said Holmes
Four years after my father disappeared continued Miss Morstan, saw an Jdvertisement in the newspaper The date was 4th May 1882. To my surprise, the advertisement asked for l he address of Miss Mary Morstan. said (hat if advertised my address. would receive some very good news
What did you do asked Holmes
I advertised my address in the same newspaper. The next day, I received a small cardboard box. Inside the box was a lovely pearl. And I have received another five pearls since that day. They inrive every year on the same day
She opened a flat box and showed us beautiful pearls
There was no lettet with the pearlsi asked Holmes.
Nothing at a replied Miss Morstan. But the strangest thing of all happened this morning. That is why I came to see you This moming. received a letter Please read it
London 17th November 1887
Dear Miss morstan
Go to the lyceum Theatre tonight at sewem o dock Stand outside the entrance on the left. you are afraid, bring two friends. Do not bring the police
You have been deceived. but wo will leurn the truth tonight.
Your Unknown Friend What can this leller meant asked Miss Motstan
2 Aliss Morstan's Story My father she began was a captain in the amy. When was very young. he was sei to India. When i was seventeen I received a letter from my father He said that he was leaving India and coming back fo England. He gave me the address of a hotel in London He asked me to meet bim then was very happy and excited aGout seeing my dear father again. I went to London and arrived at the hotel. I asked for captain Morstan, iny father But I was told by the hotel before and not returned. manager lhar my father was no ere. He had gone wailed all day and all night. but my father didn't come back to the hotel. Finally. I weni to the police. They advertised for Captain Mors in all the newspapers. but without success. Miss Morstan began to cry Holmes opened his notebook. hal was the date that your father disappearedr he It was 3rd December 1878 nearly ten years ago. Did your father have any friends in dont asked Holmes Only one Major Shollo. But he didn't know that my father had arrived in England Your story is very interesting, said Holmes Four years after my father disappeared continued Miss Morstan, saw an Jdvertisement in the newspaper The date was 4th May 1882. To my surprise, the advertisement asked for l he address of Miss Mary Morstan. said (hat if advertised my address. would receive some very good news What did you do asked HolmesI advertised my address in the same newspaper. The next day, I received a small cardboard box. Inside the box was a lovely pearl. And I have received another five pearls since that day. They inrive every year on the same day She opened a flat box and showed us beautiful pearls There was no lettet with the pearlsi asked Holmes. Nothing at a replied Miss Morstan. But the strangest thing of all happened this morning. That is why I came to see you This moming. received a letter Please read it London 17th November 1887 Dear Miss morstan Go to the lyceum Theatre tonight at sewem o dock Stand outside the entrance on the left. you are afraid, bring two friends. Do not bring the police You have been deceived. but wo will leurn the truth tonight. Your Unknown Friend What can this leller meant asked Miss Motstan
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