POINT – 1 : Delivery on Time from Logicom
As per Logicom Delivery was delay due to Dolly not returned from POAI.
POAI agreed but Dolly Qty. Should be increse as per increse volume, currently only two trolles available.
Victora will confirm for further Trolley Plan & Who will pay Trolley Cost will be discussion with the management, Same POAI will discussed with their management for Trolley Cost.
Veritrance/Logicom to calculate & discussed with Victora how much Trolley required & inform to POAI.
POINT – 2 : Sorting Rejection Part Debit note till Apr’ 16
Victora want to resort NG part because Logicom is not having criteria till now.
As per discussion with Poai, Victora will pay rejection Cost because no criteria availablefor Rejection part replacement, Victora be discussed with their management & to be confirmed on 25th may.
As per Victora’s request after paying the rejection Cost Victora will do the NG part Sorting again & Ok part to be used as a safety stock & will be adjust in latest rejection parts & same informed to POAI.
POINT – 3 : VTE – 63 Insurance Claim
Victora want NOC from POAI for rejected SUV 936 parts during transportation for the insurance Claim.
Victora will send a mail about this requirment & POAI will provide NOC.
POINT – 4 : Strap YL1 part damage SNCR
Victora will be submitting the report of Manufacturing Process & handling at Logicom & transportation and Simulation report to POAI, If Report is ok then SNCR will be cancelled.
POINT – 5 : Sorting Manual for Sorting at Logicom.
Sorting Manual are almost ready, Victora will complete and provide it to Veritrance & Logicom.
Victora / Veritrance & POAI to sign the manual.
After that Victora staff will provide the training of sorting team.
POINT – 6 : PU & SUV Hold part Sorting Status
All Part Sorting done by Logicom will send the updated stock card.