Step 1. With the right side facing down, fold the paper into half vertically.
Step 2. Fold the halves into halves. You should now have 3 lines down vertically.
Step 3. Using the quarter lines as a guide, fold all 4 corners inwards.
Step 4. Fold inwards at the quarter line. It should look something like this.
Step 5. Flip the whole paper around and fold downwards towards the middle mark. At this point it might be a good idea to use the bone folder to help flatten it at the folds.
Step 6. Repeat to the bottom, folding upwards this time. The bottom fold should overlap the top fold (you’ll see why in the next step).
Step 7. Taking the bottom piece, gently tuck it into the top piece and flatten.
Step 8. Afterwhich, rotate the holder 90 degrees and fold at the fold line (already created earlier!).
Step 9. Your card holder is complete! Insert your cards on both sides and it’s all ready to go!