Kenny GoBengals Anyone hear his spotter say, "they'll fry you if your wrong." Although this is a movie it does present some real life situations our US Military Forces have encountered and continue to deal with. Our US Troops are out in foreign countries risking their lives, missing their loved ones and struggling with sleep deprivation, hunger, anxiety, fear, depression, and a slew of other negative issues while they attempt to do their jobs and make sure everyone goes home in one piece and alive whenever that time comes.
Back to the comment made by the snipers' spotter, many US troops are naturally worried about extreme punitive actions if they make the slightest mistake even though in this situation it may appear that they have every sign that what they are viewing is a legitimate threat at the moment. Extremely difficult decisions and sacrifices are made by our US Troops on a daily basis while we enjoy our freedoms here in the States. This post isn't to make anyone feel bad. I just want to remind everyone how grateful we should be for our US Troops. God Bless them all. Those Actively Serving, those that have served, and those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and given their life for our Country.
Ok. I'm done ranting now.......