Research on information technology outsourcing (ITO) and business process outsourcing
(BPO) has consistently found that client firm capabilities, provider firm capabilities, and governance mechanisms (contractual and relational) are key determinants of outsourcing performance. These key determinants work together to affect outsourcing performance, however, the information systems (IS) literature has investigated them in a separate manner. This study contributes to the body of IS knowledge by examining capabilities and governance mechanisms influence on outsourcing performance independently and jointly.
Based on resource-based theory, transaction cost economics, and relational exchange
theories, we develop a research model to examine the independent and joint effects of one client's capabilities (i.e., client's provider management capability), three provider's capabilities (i.e., human resources management, risk management, and innovativeness), and two governance mechanisms
(contractual and relational governance) on two indicators of outsourcing performance (i.e.,
provider's service quality, and client's economic benefits). Survey data gathered from 306
practitioners in 21 client firms and 20 provider firms is used to test the research model.