It is also important to note that the core values of a culture do not change quickly or easily. They are passed on from generation to generation by numerous factors which surround us and influence us. These Formative Factors are powerful forces which guide us and teach us. The things our educators and parents teach us, the opinions and ideas we see and hear in the media, the way our laws and social norms structure our world -- all of these things (and many more) mold us and our cultural values. Cultural change is never quick and forces, ideas, and beliefs -- both new and old -- continually impact our way of seeing the world and deciding what matters to us (our Core Values), what that means in our personal and professional lives (our Interpretations), and how we ultimately act (our Observable Behaviors).
So, like an iceberg, there are things that we can see and describe easily... but there are also many deeply rooted ideas that we can only understand by analyzing values, studying formative factors, and in many cases, reflecting on our own core values.