Salvaterra de Magos (latitude: 392.20150N,
longitude: 844.2570W, elevation: 18 m above sea level) is the
largest rice producing region in Portugal, and has a Mediterranean-
type climate. The japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Ariete was
chosen for the study; ‘Ariete’ has been widely cultivated
throughout Europe and today ranks as the main cultivar in
Portugal, accounting for 40% of the total area cultivated in 2011.
Rice ‘Ariete’ was directly sown in the open-field and open-top
chambers on the 27 May 2011 and 23 May 2012 in a clay soil, at a
rate of 200 kg (dry seeds) ha1, corresponding to 680 seeds m2,
and was cultivated under the intermittent waterlogging regime.
The experimental design consisted of three individual treatments
arranged in a randomized complete block design with three
replicates, in a total of nine plots
Salvaterra de Magos (latitude: 392.20150N,longitude: 844.2570W, elevation: 18 m above sea level) is thelargest rice producing region in Portugal, and has a Mediterranean-type climate. The japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Ariete waschosen for the study; ‘Ariete’ has been widely cultivatedthroughout Europe and today ranks as the main cultivar inPortugal, accounting for 40% of the total area cultivated in 2011.Rice ‘Ariete’ was directly sown in the open-field and open-topchambers on the 27 May 2011 and 23 May 2012 in a clay soil, at arate of 200 kg (dry seeds) ha1, corresponding to 680 seeds m2,and was cultivated under the intermittent waterlogging regime.The experimental design consisted of three individual treatmentsarranged in a randomized complete block design with threereplicates, in a total of nine plots
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