The origins of the shirts. Happens when World War 1 when American soldiers have noticed that the European soldiers wearing in the light of cotton While American soldiers wet with sweat dress made of wool.Which is more comfortable and popular among Americans. Because of the appearance of the clothes have called the shirt T-shirt source name, is unclear, but most are from the shape. Of shirt with look into "T"."Training Shirt"
.In 1932 Howard Jones, ask the company produced underwear shirt that sweat for team Yu SC football may be called a T-Shirt NEW ] during World War 2 T-shirts have become a standard in general.Although the shirts will be lingerie. But most soldiers often wear without a shirt outside. And hence the images displayed to the public more often. The officers wearing T-shirts and trousers, and is accepted gradually.In the 13 July.Professor 1942 up cover troops put tee-shirt and wrote that "Air Corps Gunnery School
after World War II. T-shirts can appear without a shirt outside cover. In 1948 presidential candidate, Thomas E.That way, produce a shirt. "Dew It for Dewey", have been recorded as T-shirt screen character first and later in the year 1952 can produce the shirts. "I Like Ike" to support Dwight D. Eisenhower and John Wayne,Marlon Brando and James Dean wore this shirt appear on television, too. Which is the shocking of people until it is accepted in 1955