For the final survey questions, respondents were provided learning
environment scenarios (seeTable 3), and were to select the most
relevant term from a list of nine choices. Fig. 6demonstrates the
variances in responses for the four top choices that were selected by
the respondents. For Scenario 1, approximately 57% of respondents
identified this as online learning, and then 19% selected both eLearning and online. Scenario 2 is very similar to Scenario 1, but
included face-to-face interactions between the students and the
instructor. The majority (51%) selected blendedenvironment while
22% identified it as online learning. Scenario 3 demonstrated less
agreement with 43% choosinge-Learning environment, and 14% each
for onlineandother. The remaining 33% was scattered among five
other choices. Scenario 4 does not include interactions among
students or with the instructor. Thirty-two percent selectedonline
in comparison to 19% for e-Learning. There were 6 respondents who
chose more than three terms for each scenario, because they could not
identify one item that was the most relevant. Thus, these survey
responses were not included in the above stated analysis