Beachrocks are consolidated coastal sedimentary formations resulting mainly from the relative rapid
cementation of beach sediments by different calcium carbonate polymorphs. Although previous works
have already studied the elemental composition and the mineral phases composing these cements,
few of them have focused their attention on the organic matter present therein. This work describes
an extraction methodology based on focused ultrasound solid–liquid extraction (FUSLE), followed by
analysis using large volume injection (LVI) in a programmable temperature vaporizer (PTV) combined
with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) in order to determine organics such as polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and biomarkers (hopanes), which can increase and confirm the information
obtained so far. This goal has been achieved after the optimization of the main parameters affecting
the extraction procedure, such as, extraction solvent, FUSLE variables (amplitude, extraction time and
pulse time) and also variables affecting the LVI–PTV (vent time, injection speed and cryo-focusing temperature).
The developed method rendered results comparable to traditional extraction methods in terms
of accuracy (77–109%) and repeatability (RSD < 23%). Finally, the analyses performed over real beachrock
samples from the Bay of Biscay (Northern Spain) revealed the presence of the 16 EPA priority PAHs, as
well as some organic biomarkers which could increase the knowledge about such beachrock formation.