In today’s modern life, societies have to embrace digital technologies in their home (office) and use them to enhance the quality of life. The emerging of aging societies around the world prompts more urgent need for having more affordable and easy to set up “smart home systems”, as well as assisted technologies used inside a home with high performance and efficient solutions and platforms. Adoption of smartphones, smartTVs, and other smart devices, adds ubiquity and mobility to existing home-based self-care systems and expands the horizon of endless possibility in research and development.
The 7th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (IAIT2015), with the theme “Smart Home - Smart Life”, will be held in Bangkok, November 2015. The conference will be collocated with two other conferences, INCEB2015 and CSBio2015, providing great opportunity for IAIT participants to meet researchers in other related fields as well.