Marriage Registration Procedures In Thailand
Thai marriage registration varies depending on nationality. The Thai marriage can be solemnized with or without a Betrothal Ceremony in ritual manner and also through court. The betrothal ceremony is nothing but a promise to marry and in the form of an agreement.
The agreement is effective only when the man gives engagement property to the woman as evidence. The injured party is entitled to claim damages in the event of breach of the betrothal agreement.
Couples who are wishing to marry should have the following eligibility to get married in Thailand:
Either of them should not be less than 17 years of age or should be in marriageable age in accordance to the law enforced from your home country. The Court may, in case of having appropriate reason, allow them to marry before attaining such age.
Either of them should not be an insane person or adjudged incompetent.
Both of them should not be in blood relations in the direct ascendant or descendant line, or brother or sister of full or half blood i.e. should no be with in the prohibited degrees of relationship.
Both of them should not have the same adoptive parents.
Either of them should not have a spouse at the time of marriage. If woman whose husband died or whose marriage has become terminated, the marriage can only take place after expiry of 310 days from such death or termination of marriage, but before such period if
A child has been born during such period;
The divorced couple remarry;
There is a certificate showing that the woman is not pregnant;
There is an order of the Court allowing the woman to marry.