satisfaction levels by level of nursing education was
statistically significant (F = 3.961, P = 0.002). In addition,
a significant difference in job satisfaction was
indicated among the years of nursing experience groups
(F = 6.597, P < 0.001). Post-hoc results revealed that
nurses with less years of nursing experience had more
job satisfaction than those with more experience.
Although nurses without extra responsibility (not
ward or unit in-charges or deputies) reported a slightly
higher level of job satisfaction than those with this
responsibility, the difference was not significant. Likewise,
there were no statistically significant differences in
job satisfaction between nurses working on different
Job performance
Job performance was assessed using column B overall
mean scores of the 6-DSNP which assesses nurses selfrated
job performance quality. The mean score for
teaching and collaboration scale was the lowest at 2.76
(SD = 0.57) whereas professional development and
critical care had the highest mean scores of 3.23
(SD = 0.56) and 3.17 (SD = 0.43), respectively. A significant
difference in job performance means among the
number of children groups was observed. Nurses
without children had higher mean scores for job performance
than those with five or more children. No
significant differences in job performance were found by
age group or by marital status.
Significant differences in job performance were also
found by type of hospital with the public hospital
having the lowest mean score (F = 7.95, P < 0.001).
However, there was no significant difference in job
performance mean scores between the nursing education
groups. As seen in Table 2, the groups which
reported higher perceived occupational stress also
reported lower job satisfaction and job performance.
In summary, analysis of the influence of hospital type
on means of occupational stress, job satisfaction and
job performance revealed statistically significant differences
between the hospitals. Post-hoc results indicated
significant differences in occupational stress, job satisfaction
and job performance by type of hospital (public
vs. private not-for-profit). Nurses in the public hospital
reported more occupational stress, had less job satisfaction
and rated themselves more poorly on job performance
than those in private not-for-profit hospitals