At this step, spatial data analysis is applied to understand the distribution of active fire occurrence in
different land use types in Chiang Rai Province. The result of the spatial analysis with active fire
distribution in the study area shows that the rate of fire (Active fires) of Chiang Rai occurs 55% in
forested areas, 40% in agricultural areas, 2% in community area and 3% in other areas. After checking
with ground truth data, it was found that burning areas were mostly found in forest areas which match
with the information from MODIS and the reason is due to the expansion of agriculture area, such as rice
and corn fields. Farmers tend to clear areas and eliminate weeds to prepare for planting in the next season
by burning. During burning period, mostly brake fire are not enough to block the fire expansion in these
areas, resulting in the spreading of fire. For agricultural land, farmers continue straw burning after
harvesting, because it is easy and saves time.