Dear Mr. Zhang and all concerned,
I am Phanwara Thanaphuwaratsiri (Pat), project manager back office solutions of Comanche International Public Company Limited. I have installed and provided the training in part of the Account Receivable System, Account Payable System and Gerneral Ledger System from 27th October, 2016 untill 07th November, 2016. Which the system has been started on the 08th November, 2016.
General overview of the system after the 08th of November, 2016 is work which is concluded each program as follows :
- AR System check from both trade and credit card from the system front then. Any information sent by the start. AR Invoice including receipt. The Section on the subject of using tax invoice system.
- AP System have begun to set the debt write-off and debt which can process.
- GL System made mapping code with Front and POS System, which is reviewing the information into the system the GL.
In the part of section system in AP and GL System. The connection of data with SCM CHECK System and the pipeline between operations and will make again.
Fianlly, we would like to thank you all for warm welcoming and kind cooperating.
Should you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us or our support team anytime.
Best Regards,