Niso gripped the pregnant male's shoulders to keep him calm, nodding. "Your water just broke Francis, just breathe and push." He said soothingly, reaching down to rub at Francis' stomach. Wordlessly, Niso guided Francis, leaning him as far back as possible before his head was under water to give as much space needed for the baby to pass through. "You have to push on the contractions!" He stressed, looking down at Francis' swollen stomach and frowning worriedly. Francis whined and gripped Niso's hand tightly, terrified. He was there for both his labours and he'd seen what birth was like. "Nnnhh...N-No.." He shook his head weakly, "Make it stop!..Hurts!" His anus felt so full, stuffed painfully with pressure he couldn't release. Sweat poured from his brow. He thrashed in the waters, hands frantically clutching at the rims of the tub for support while he hoisted his torso out of the bath, and strained. "Ahh...ahh...H-help..!" Francis cried out, groaning as the baby's head engaged his rectum, shredding the muscular tissues.
Niso grabbed Francis and laid him back down. "It won't stop unless you start pushing Francis!" He said, narrowing his eyes at him now. "So push!" He ordered harshly, gritting his teeth now. Francis choked back a half sob. No sensation like this had ever been inflicted on his body before; everything hurt. His eyes snapped open abruptly to what had to be the hardest set of contractions yet.