In the age group 0 - 9 months, Bass and Mehta (1980) found three 'at risk' safety measures from more than 40% of the parents, whereas Halperin et al. (1982) found two 'at risk' safety measures in this age group. These two 'at risk' safety measures ('no fire extinguisher in the house' and 'placing the child in the front seat of the car') were also found in the Bass and Mehta study In the age group 9 months to 5 years, Bass and Mehta found 12 'at risk' safety measures from more than 40% of the parents; Halperin et al. found seven 'at risk' safety measures of which the following six were comparable with the at risk safety measures of the Bass and Mehta study: no fire extinguishers in the house, the use of electrical appliances in the bathroom, no safety plugs on all unused electrical oudets, no Ipecac (a syrup that pro-vokes vomiting) in the house, not always checking safety hazards in homes of friends or relatives where the child may play, and not always keeping the childin an enclosed area when alone and unsupervised.