Temperature is no doubt the single most influential factor in
fruit storage. All biological processes are controlled by temperature
and thus fruit quality and ripening are strongly affected by
storage temperature (Fuchs et al., 1995). Our work has shown that
there were markedly changes in crude protein content over storage
periods, but low temperatures (6 and 10 ◦C) retained more soluble
proteins than the room temperature (25 ◦C). At end of storage, soluble
protein content had declined by 35.9% in fruit stored at 25 ◦C
compared to 15.4% and 9.9% in fruit kept at 10 and 6 ◦C, respectively.
Similar losses in protein content after harvest have been reported
for vegetables, such as, potato (Brierley et al., 1996). Protein loss
could be due to respiratory activity to provide carbons for Krebs
cycle reactions (Baxter and Waters, 1990).