My role model is my sister who is now a manager. Since childhood, my aunt will always take me out for a trip during the weekends; however, if it appears that my homework is still unfinished, she'll spend her time teaching me. Even after I've grown up to be an adult, she still continues to act like what she used to be. She keeps telling me that 'everything was never out of your reach, it just depends on how much you have tried and endured'. On the issue of education, she told me that I don't need to force myself to get a high grade, be at the top of my class, or be better than anyone else, but she told me to be diligent and to have endurance with all my studies, and my dreams won't ever be too far to obtain. There're times that I've got bad grades in my subjects, but she had never scold me or blame me for any of that. Instead, she'll cheer me up by talking about her own experiences: when she was young, she was pretty bad at her studies; but because she loves studying and has been trying so hard, she finally achieved an average score and was able to obtain a job as a teacher later on. Though my aunt wasn't much of a talkative person, she's polite and kind. I love her, and respect her as my role model.