Borderline patients
Twenty-one patients out of the 66 (31.8%) high-energy FSF patients
were classified as borderline (JHH-BL). The RCT had 26.66% (44/
165) borderline patients (RCT-BL). The demographics, injury severity
data and transfusion data of the borderline patients are presented
in Table 3. The two groups were remarkably similar. There was
no statistical difference in average age, gender, ISS, NISS, all AIS
region scores and first 24 h transfusion requirements between the
JHH-BL and RCT-BL patients. The JHH-BL patients had moderate
metabolic acidosis (BD -5.0 3.0, lactate 3.8 2.1).
The treatment modalities and clinical outcomes of the borderline
groups are presented in Table 4. Only 14% of the JHH-BL patients
were treated with DCO principles, while by definition, almost half
(47.7%) of the RCT-BL patients received DCO treatment. JHH-BL
patients had a similar incidence of ALI (38% versus 35%) and SIRS
(57.1% versus 51.4%). There was an obvious trend towards lower
incidence ofARDS (0% versus 14%) and MOF (4.8% versus 19.6%)
favouring the JHH-BL group but neither reached statistical significance
(P = 0.08 and P = 0.09, respectively). The incidence of sepsis
was significantly higher (4.8% versus 24.5%, P = 0.04) among
RCT-BL patients. The major statistical differences between the
Borderline patientsTwenty-one patients out of the 66 (31.8%) high-energy FSF patientswere classified as borderline (JHH-BL). The RCT had 26.66% (44/165) borderline patients (RCT-BL). The demographics, injury severitydata and transfusion data of the borderline patients are presentedin Table 3. The two groups were remarkably similar. There wasno statistical difference in average age, gender, ISS, NISS, all AISregion scores and first 24 h transfusion requirements between theJHH-BL and RCT-BL patients. The JHH-BL patients had moderatemetabolic acidosis (BD -5.0 3.0, lactate 3.8 2.1).The treatment modalities and clinical outcomes of the borderlinegroups are presented in Table 4. Only 14% of the JHH-BL patientswere treated with DCO principles, while by definition, almost half(47.7%) of the RCT-BL patients received DCO treatment. JHH-BLpatients had a similar incidence of ALI (38% versus 35%) and SIRS(57.1% versus 51.4%). There was an obvious trend towards lowerincidence ofARDS (0% versus 14%) and MOF (4.8% versus 19.6%)favouring the JHH-BL group but neither reached statistical significance(P = 0.08 and P = 0.09, respectively). The incidence of sepsiswas significantly higher (4.8% versus 24.5%, P = 0.04) amongRCT-BL patients. The major statistical differences between the
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