Sometimes I wonder how my life would be without my best friend Tonya, after thirteen years of putting up with each other we are still as inseparable as ever. We know everything about one another, share everything, and spend hours talking to each other developing a relationship that cannot compare any other friendship. Many times when we are together we are mistaken for sisters and it's easy to understand why; we both stand little over five foot tall, have blonde hair, blue eyes, and wear the same size clothing. It always seems that my closet has more of her clothes in it than mine and vice-versa. Our mothers can never stop comparing notes as to how many clothes they have bought us that they've never seen on their actual child wear. When we are together people swears that we speak a different language and between finishing each others sentences, the jumps in topics, and the giggles it's amazing that we even understand each other. After spending all day together we always end up talking on the phone for hours and many times repeating the same conversations without ever realizing it. For some people it's hard to imagine being friends with someone for so long, but if I were to choose one person outside of my family that I could not do without. I would pick my best friend Tonya. We've helped each other through the good times and bad and held each other when some guy has broken our hearts and even yelled at each others parents. She is as much a part of my family as anyone else, no matter what anyone says. We are best friends and so much more, everyday I am thankful that we found each other so many years ago because neither of our lives have ever been the same....