Our idea of home comes partly from geography because the land the materials and the In the forested a In of Europe and North America, traditiona houses are built of wood. central Africa P build from plant materials. These temporary structures are appropriate for nomadic people who frequently move from place to lace in Mongolia which has few trees, the traditional house is the gher wooden poles covered with skins and textiles. The Mongols, too, are nomadic and A Wooden house, Europe need portable houses, but their gher must also protect them from the 30 harsh winter weather. The white color of the gler is important to Structure mode of plant materials, Southwest Central the people because in their language, tsagaan means both "white" and happy. In southern Greece, too, traditional village houses are always white-but built of stone. 40 When Greeks move to cities or other countries, into modern apartment buildings their idea home traditional village of A A Mongolian gher their grandparents, which they might visit only at holiday time