Semi-qualitative assessment of dermal exposures
The Dermal Exposure Assessment Method (DREAM), a
validated semi-quantitative method for assessing dermal
exposures, was applied to assess the potential for dermal
exposure from common cleaning tasks [22-24]. The
DREAM method is based on the conceptual model developed
by Schneider that considers three major mechanisms
by which the contaminant can contact the skin:
emission, deposition and transfer[25]. Emission is the
transport of substances from primary sources to the skin
in the form of vapors or particles that can happen through splashing and spilling, for example. Deposition is the
transport from air to the skin and it is dependent on the
deposition velocity, concentration of the chemical in air
and area of the skin contact. Transfer is the transport of
substances by direct contact with skin for example from
contaminated working tools [22]