Chest pain is a common presenting complaint in healthcare. Causes of
chest pain are multifactorial, but one of the greatest concerns is that
the pain is cardiac in nature. A succinct, focused and targeted
assessment can help confirm or rule our a cardiac cause as well as
highlighting other potential causes. The assessment focuses on the
quality, location, duration and characteristics, as well as the relieving
factors, for a person with chest pain. Pain assessment tools aid in
eliciting such information and serve to compliment the assessment
process. Haemodynamic assessment aims to determine the stability of
the patient and thus determine the need for subsequent nursing
intervention and the timeliness of the assessment. It is beyond the
scope of this paper to discuss investigations or the management of
chest pain.
Key words
Chest pain w Assessment w Pain assessment tools w Potential
causes w Differential diagnosis w Vital signs
AbstractChest pain is a common presenting complaint in healthcare. Causes ofchest pain are multifactorial, but one of the greatest concerns is thatthe pain is cardiac in nature. A succinct, focused and targetedassessment can help confirm or rule our a cardiac cause as well ashighlighting other potential causes. The assessment focuses on thequality, location, duration and characteristics, as well as the relievingfactors, for a person with chest pain. Pain assessment tools aid ineliciting such information and serve to compliment the assessmentprocess. Haemodynamic assessment aims to determine the stability ofthe patient and thus determine the need for subsequent nursingintervention and the timeliness of the assessment. It is beyond thescope of this paper to discuss investigations or the management ofchest pain.Key wordsChest pain w Assessment w Pain assessment tools w Potentialcauses w Differential diagnosis w Vital signs
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