Mortality differences can, in fact, serve as an indicator of very deep inequities that divide races, classes and genders, as the various Illustrations in this chapter bring out. For example, the estimations of missing women" show the remarkable reach of female disadvantage in many parts of the contemporary world, in a way that other statis- tics may not adequately reflect. Also, since the incomes earned by family members are shared by others in the family, we cannot analyz gender inequality primarily in of income differences We need terms much information usually available on the divisi more than is of resource use within the family clearer idea of inequalities in to get a economic affluence. However, statistics on mortality r as well as other deprivations (such as undernourishment or illiteracy) can directly present a picture of inequality and poverty in some crucial dimensions. This information can also be used relate the extent of to relative deprivation of to the existing inequalities in opportu- women nities (in earning outside income, in being enrolled in schools and be addressed so on). Thus, both descriptive and policy issues can through this broader perspective on inequality and poverty in terms of capability deprivation