Milk: Hi’Ma-maew.
Ma-maew: Hi’ Milk.
Milk: I miss you so bad ! Long time no see.
Ma-maew: I miss you too.
Milk: Ma-maew’ I want to go to travel.
Ma-maew: good! Me too.
Milk: What should we go?
Ma-maew: I have no idea
Milk: Ma-maew. I want to go to the farm.
Ma-maew: Let me see.
Milk: This is the page on facebook for our trip. There also has tour guiding service for us.
Ma-maew: It's interesting !
Milk: okay then I'll contact them.
Ma-maew: I will call to this number 0856808600
Ma-maew: Hello I'm Ma-maew would like to speak to guide.
Guide: Hello! This is Tour freelance company. We happy to be of service.
Ma-maew: Well , We are looking for a tour guide to go to the farm.
Milk: Right , we want to know about the farm area.
Guide: What date of your trip ? Our service will be 300 baht per hour for all area.
Ma-maew: Okay , I will call you back later.
Guide: Alright , You can call me anytime You can reach me at this number 0856808600
Ma-maew: Thank you.
Guide: Thank you
Secretary: (Call to the guide) We have a meeting about our tour company and our company's trends
Guide: Okay
Secretary: (Call to the boss) (Boss’s phone is engaged).
Wife: Hello
Secretary: May I speak with the boss?
Wife: Sure , hold the line, please. I will call him.
Secretary: Thank you very much.
Boss: Hello?
Secretary: We have a meeting about our tour company and our company's trends sir. Don't forget to come on 23/04/2016 at 10.00.
Boss: Okay , I got it.
Boss: I'm in a hurry because I have an errand to run. I’ve been given 20 minutes. If you have any question please feel free to ask question at any time. I’d like to go deeper into this if I may Our company tend to be success. There has total of bookings high up. I just want to draw your attention to the next graph. Graph will show that our company has grown up quickly. We earn around three million baht for the past three months. I want to thank you all of you to make our tour company success like this. This bring me to the end of my presentation