The Standard Chinchilla rabbit makes an excellent 4H project, show, meat, or fur animal. They are very intelligent and curious, yet docile, which makes them great pets as well.
The Standard Chinchilla is said to be energetic, intelligent, curious, and very gentle. With their wonderful personalities and good looks it is no surprise that they have been popular as pets since the end of the first World War.
Because of the unique fur type, the Standard Chinchilla is one of the most beautiful rabbits recognized by the ARBA. The bucks range in weight from five to seven pounds and does range from five and a half to seven and a half pounds. They have a compact structure and are cobby in type. Their ears are erect and should never exceed five inches in length. The underfur is dark slate blue, the middle part of the fur is pearly, and the top is black. This rabbit is typically bred for show or pet purposes, though it has the properties and can be breed for meat as well.
The Standard Chinchilla rabbit originated in France. It was a cross between three different rabbits, the Himalayan, the Beveren, and a wild rabbit. The breed was introduced to the United States after World War I and has enjoyed immense popularity since then.