extraction vessel. The solvent (CO2 or LPG) was pumped into the
bed, which was supported by two 300-mesh wire disks at both
ends, and was kept in contact with the vegetable matrix for at least
30 min to allow for the system to stabilize. Afterwards, the extract
was collected by opening the micrometer valve and the solvent
mass flow rate was accounted by the pump recordings. The experiments
were accomplished at constant pressures and temperatures
and a solvent flow rate of 4 g min1. For the experiments
carried out with CO2 as solvent, extractions were performed at
40e80 C and 150e250 bar, whereas for LPG at 20e40 C and
5e25 bar. Extraction kinetics curves were determined for all
experimental conditions. Kinetics curves consisted of determining
the extract yield as a function of time or solvent/feed mass (S/F,
mlsolvent/gbran) ratio. The extract yield and recovery were calculated
according to the following equations.